Perennial herb with erect to decumbent stems from woody rootstock; stems up to 20 cm long, finely sericeous (hairs downward-directed). Leaves minutely puberulous along midrib above, otherwise glabrous, hispid on margins; lamina narrowly elliptic, largest 4-6 x 0.6-0.9 cm; margin entire or with 1-3 teeth per side. Heads globose or somewhat elongated, only apical on stems; peduncle 0.5-1.5 cm long, minutely puberulous; axes minutely puberulous; floral leaves narrowly elliptic, up to 3.5 cm long, sericeous or densely so, with 4-6 teeth per side up to 5 mm long; inner bracts ± 2 cm long, toothed near apex. Sepals densely sericeous (densest and longest towards apex); dorsal 18-20 mm long (mucro ± 2 mm), elliptic, narrowing gradually to the acuminate apex, no lateral teeth; ventral 17-19 mm long, similar, with two cuspidate teeth 4-5 mm long, no lateral teeth; lateral 14-16 mm long. Corolla lilac with white tube and yellow callus, ± 23 mm long of which the tube ± 6 mm; limb obovate, 9-11 mm wide, distinctly 3-lobed, lobes same length; callus not ribbed. Filaments 6-7 mm long, glabrous; appendage 1-2 mm long, curved, rounded; anthers 4-5 mm long. Capsule and seed not seen.