Rhizome robust and long creeping, 3-6 mm in diam., densely scaly; scales brownish or blackish, ovate-lanceolate, 3-9 × 0.5-1.5 cm, usually subclathrate, margin subentire. Fronds 1-3 cm apart; sterile fronds simple or pinnate, 15-80 cm; stipe 10-30(-40) cm, sparsely scaly, grooved adaxially; lamina blackish when dry, 10-60 × 5-25 cm, thinly herbaceous, apex elongate to long flagelliform, terminal part with bulbil; rachis not winged, with sparse nut-brown scales; pinnae 1-6 pairs, alternate to opposite, subsessile, broadly lanceolate, 10-19 × 3-6 cm, base rounded-cuneate, margin subentire or crenate-serrate, apex caudate-acuminate; secondary veins prominent on both surfaces; veins forming 3 rows of regularly tetragonal to hexagonal areoles, without included free veinlets. Fertile fronds 15-70 cm; stipe 10-45 cm; lamina 10-26 × 5-20 cm. Sporangia inserted throughout abaxial surface. 2n = 82.
Terrestrial, mat-forming fern; rhizome shortly creeping, sometimes climbing to c. 50 cm; scales narrowly ovate, c. 4 mm long, minutely latticed, dark brown; fronds closely spaced. Fronds dimorphic, the fertile fronds reduced and held above the sterile frond. Sterile frond: stipe c. 15–25 cm long; lamina horizontal, usually with 5–7 pinnae, the apical pinna frequently with an elongated, slender apex to 30 cm long, often bearing a subapical plantlet; pinnae narrowly elliptic, c. 6–15 cm long, acuminate, ± crenate and serrulate, cuneate at base, ± glabrous, subessile; veins pinnate with anastomosing veinlets forming areoles between. Fertile frond: stipe c. 20–30 cm long; lamina erect; pinnae narrow, c. 3–10 cm long, entirely covered by sporangia beneath.