A terrestrial herb 5–7 dm. high, glabrous except for the roots.. Tubers 2, turnip-shaped, curved, 6 cm. long and 1.5 cm. in diameter, tomentose.. Stem erect, rather stout, covered entirely by 15–20 dried-up whitish sheaths, up to 8 mm. in diameter at the base.. Leaves all withered, up to 5–6 cm. broad.. Inflorescence cylindrical, 15 cm. long and 8 cm. in diameter, densely 10–20-fiowered.. Bracts ± dried-up, lanceolate, acuminate, ± 3.5 cm. long, almost equalling the pedicel with ovary.. Flowers half-spreading, greenish-yellow; pedicel with ovary 3.5–4 cm. long.. Dorsal sepal erect, very convex, lanceolate or elliptical-lanceolate, acuminate, 2–2.5 cm. long, nearly 1 cm. broad; laterals deflexed, obliquely lanceolate, very acute, the upper margin adnate to the lip and stigmatic arms for ± 4 mm., ±2.5 cm. long and 6 mm. broad.. Petals bipartite nearly to the base; posterior (upper) lobe erect, adherent to the dorsal sepal, 2 cm. long, nearly 2 mm. broad; anterior lobe adnate at the base to the lip for nearly 3 mm., then decurved, ± 2.5 cm. long, a little narrower than the posterior.. Lip tripartite from a basal undivided portion 4.5 mm. long, projecting forwards; lobes linear, ± equal in length, 2–3 cm. long.. Spur cylindrical, dependent and slightly incurved, 3–3.5 cm. long; disk of lip with a tall tooth-like callus up to 6 mm. long just in front of the spur-opening.. Anther erect, apiculate, ± 12 mm. high, loculi parallel, canals slender, ± erect, 8–11 mm. long.. Stigmatic arms porrect,:L 1.5 cm. long, adnate to the lip for 3.5 mm. at the base, the apical half slightly club-shaped.. Rostellum placed in front of the anther, 3-lobed, the middle lobe folded or 1; hooded, lanceolate, ±11 mm. high and 5 mm. broad, the side lobes slender, only slightly diverging, 6 mm. long.