Tree to 22 m high. Buds pubescent; scars of inner pair of bud scales remote from those of outer pair. Leaves trifoliolate and/or simple (occasional leaves bifoliolate). Trifoliolate leaves 8.5–16 cm long; petiolules of lateral leaflets obsolete or to 5 mm long; terminal leaflet with petiolule 8–25 mm long; laminae narrowly to broadly elliptic or obovate, 4–12.5 cm long, 1–6 cm wide, entire, obtuse to acuminate. Simple leaves 3.5–16 cm long; petiole obsolete or to 1.2 cm long; lamina suborbicular or ovate to obovate, 3.5–15 cm long, 2–9 cm wide, cordate to rounded or acute at base, entire, rounded to acuminate at apex. Inflorescences 1.5–16 cm long. Sepals basally connate, 0.7–1.5 mm long, persistent in fruit. Petals 3–4.5 mm long, pubescent abaxially. Ovary 0.7–1.5 mm high, woolly; ovules 4 per locule; style pubescent or sparsely so, at least towards base. Follicles obovoid, 10–14 mm long; exocarp densely pubescent. Seeds ±reniform, c. 10 mm long.