Shrub or small tree with bipinnate leaves; pinnae in 1–7 pairs, alternate or opposite; leaflets small, in 2–7 pairs. Flowers regular, at least sometimes hermaphrodite (see note), in few-flowered raceme-like inflorescences; sepals 4(–5); petals 4(–5), valvate, alternating with sepals, without scales (i.e. appendages found in the Sapindaceae). Stamens 4(–5), inserted outside the small circular slightly lobed disk which acts as a gynophore. Ovary compressed, incompletely 2-locular, eachlocule with 1 apotropous descending ovule attached to septum slightly above middle of loculus; style short; stigma with 2 lobes. Fruit a flattened spongy disk surrounded by a papery wing, 2-locular. Seed reniform, compressed, without arillode.