Plants medium-sized to large, forming dense cushions, light green to yellow-green, ± glossy, red-brown below; corticolous. Stems (5-)10-35 mm long, irregularly branched, ± julaceous, lower stem densely matted with red-brown tomentum; in section cortical cells in 6-8 rows. Leaves crowded, weakly concave, appressed with reflexed awns wet or dry; ovate to oval, 0.8-1.2 mm long; apex acute, hyaline; margins plane to erect, serrate at apex. Costa short-to long-excurrent, awn hyaline, sparsely toothed, (0.2-)0.5-1.0 mm long; in section round, ventral cells 2, in single layer, exposed walls very thin, inner walls thickened, dorsal stereid band 2-3 cells thick, dorsal surface cells undifferentiated or occasionally substereids. Upper laminal cells mostly 3-5: 1, oblong-rhomboidal to fusiform, ± thickened, somewhat flexuose, (75-) 87-100(-125) µm long, 20-25 µm wide; marginal cells above mid-leaf becoming narrowly fusiform, hyaline and strongly thickened, several cells wide at apex; basal cells quadrate, forming distinct group. Perichaetial leaves ovate-lanceolate, to 2 mm long. Seta 10-25 mm long, brownish; capsule erect to inclined, pyriform to cylindrical-pyriform, 3-4 mm long, yellow-brown, neck differentiated, 1.0-1.5 mm long; exothecial cells rectangular to rhomboidal, thin-walled, 1-2 rows at mouth smaller, quadrate: peristome teeth linear, 300 µm high, strongly reflexed against capsule wall when dry, endostome consisting of a high basal membrane, to 200 µm high; operculum low-conic; calyptra cucullate, smooth, 1.7 mm long, yellowish; spores round, 40-50 µm, green, essentially smooth.