Plants medium-sized, in dense tufts, green when young, very rapidly becoming yellow-green and often rich golden and orangish. Stems to 6 cm, creeping, terete-to subcomplanate-foliate, somewhat julaceous, regularly pinnate, branches to 7 mm, terete-or more commonly subcomplanate-foliate. Stem leaves erect-spreading at base, densely arranged, falcate-secund, ovate-lanceolate, slightly to moderately plicate, rarely not plicate, 1.3-2.3 × 0.3-0.8(-0.9) mm; margins plane or recurved at places (more commonly at base), serrulate to base, sometimes indistinctly so to subentire; apex gradually acuminate, acumen falcate to circinate; costa to 40-70% leaf length, terminal spine present; alar cells subquadrate, 12-25 × 10-18µm, region small, of 4-6(-8) × 4-6(-8) cells, distinctly to moderately gradually delimited; laminal cells linear, 70-100 × 6-9 µm; basal cells shorter, 9-12 µm wide, indistinctly delimited from laminal cells. Seta orangish red, 1.2-1.8(-2.4) cm, very strongly rough or sometimes moderately rough proximally and almost smooth distally. Capsule horizontal to somewhat pendent, orangish red, ovate to elongate, to 1.6 mm; endostome basal membrane 1/3-1/2 endostome length, cilia as long as segments. Spores 10-14 µm.