Somewhat matted, light green, shining, dioecious; stems 4-6 cm long, prostrate, closely pinnate, with slender branches 5-6 mm long; stem-leaves 2 mm long, cordate, the upper half much narrower, ending in an acute, subula; nerve narrow, evident in lower half only; margin almost entire; cells linear-vermicular, up to 100 x op lower cells shorter, alar cells segregated, numerous, small, transversely oblong; branch leaves Smaller, much narrower plicate, oblong-lanceolate, the upper cells exserted at their tips; perichaetal leaves compactly bundled, with long narrow point, almost entire, but with subfimbriate teeth near the base. Seta 1-1.5 cm long, smooth, red capsule nearly horizontal, irregular, high-backed; lid shortly rostellate. Male flowers numerous with ovate-acuminate spreading bracts.