About 30 cm high. Branchlets villous with bent hairs. Leaves very closely set, ascending, slightly incurved, sessile, 6-7 mm long, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, subacute, apiculate, convex and villous with bent hairs on the dorsal surface, slightly concave and glabrous on the ventral surface. Flower-heads 5-7 mm wide, hemispheric. Bract almost as long as the flower, oblong-lanceolate, villous on the dorsal surface, deeply concave and glabrous on the ventral surface. Bracteoles 2, linear, about half as long as the flower, villous on the dorsal surface. Calyx-tube pubescent, adhering to the ovary except for a shallow upper part: calyx-lobes linear, villous, reaching to well above the middle of the petals. Petals about 2.75 mm long, elliptic-ovate, very obtuse, glabrous. Stamens reaching to the middle of the petals: filaments incurved, with a very prominent knee-shaped thickening near the base; anthers scarcely 0.75 mm, long, elliptic. Ovary more than half-inferior, villous on the upper part, with 2 uniovulate chambers: styles free, about 1.25 mm long. Fruit unknown.
Like B. sacculata but leaves and branchlets with bent hairs and flowers white with petals 2.75 mm long, obtuse.