Usually 1-2 m high. Branchlets villous, pubescent or glabrous. Leaves erect-spreading, occasionally spreading or recurved, mostly 0-5-1 cm long, subsessile, cordate, ovate or lanceolate, rounded or cuneate at the base, obtuse, subacute or acute, flat or slightly concave above, 1-7 veined, ± villous on one or both faces (more often on the upper face) or glabrous. Flowers in rotund or ovate spikes 2-5 mm long, grouped in small dense panicles. Bract leaf-like, shorter than the flower. Bracteoles 2, about as long as the calyx-tube, ovate-oblong or oblong, obtuse, keeled on the back, deeply concave on the inner face, di ciliate. Calyx-tube broadly obconic; calyx-segments 0-5-0-75 mm long, broadly oblong, rotund or circular, glabrous. Petals about 1-5 mm long, free, obovate, white, with very short keels converging at the base. Anthers scarcely 0-5 mm long, reaching to the upper half of the petals. Ovary 2/3 inferior, pubescent at the apex, with 2 uniovulate chambers: styles 2, free or rarely connate at the base, reaching to the middle of the petals. Fruit globose, tubercled, 1-seeded.
Shrub, 1-2 m high, young stems villous. Leaves imbricate, erect spreading, 4-13 mm long; ovate to lanceolate, often cordate at base, ± villous. Inflorescences arranged in a compound raceme; terminal inflorescences usually present; ovoid to globose, 2-5 mm long, with 3-20 flowers. Bract leaf-like, shorter than flower; bracteoles as long as calyx tube. Calyx: tube broadly obconic; segments 0.50-0.75 mm long. Petals 1.3-1.6 mm long. Stamens shorter than corolla; anthers scarcely 0.5 mm long. Ovary 2/3 inferior, pubescent at top. Flowering time Oct.-Jan.
Erect, closely leafy shrub to 2 m. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, often cordate at base, imbricate, erect to spreading, glabrous or thinly hairy. Flowers in small, rounded spikes grouped in panicles, white; bracteoles ovate to oblong.