About 90 cm high, with silky-pubescent branchlets. Leaves about 3 mm long, sessile, imbricate, ascending, lanceolate, acute, convex and villous on the dorsal surface, concave and glabrous on the ventral surface. Flower-heads mostly about 6 mm wide, orbicular. Bract lanceolate, villous on the dorsal surface, reaching to the middle of the calyx. Bracteoles as long as the bract, linear, villous on the dorsal surface. Calyx-tube villous, adhering to the ovary except for a shallow cup-shaped upper part: calyx-lobes linear, densely villous on the dorsal surface, reaching to the middle of the petals. Petals about 1-75 mm long, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, villous on the dorsal surface, white, with a pair of submarginal keels on the lower half. Stamens almost twice as long as the petals: anthers oblong. Ovary almost entirely inferior, villous on the top, easily separating into halves, with 1-4 ovules in each chamber: styles free, diverging at the tips, reaching to about the middle of the stamens. Fruit unknown.
Silky pubescent, closely leafy, suberect shrub to 1 m. Leaves ascending, lanceolate. Flowers crowded in rounded heads to 6 mm diam., white, villous, with far-exserted stamens.