About 60 cm high, with villous stems and branchlets. Leaves sessile, imbricate, erect-spreading, 5-7 mm long, ovate, acute, cuneate at the base, concave and glabrous or villous above, convex, somewhat rugose and villous beneath; the whole rarely almost flat. Flowers considerably overtopped by the leaves, in shortly pedunculate axillary cymes containing 2 or 3; the upper flowers solitary. Bract ovate, subacute, concave above, convex beneath, pilose on the margins and upper half of the dorsal surface, reaching to the upper half of the flower. Bracteoles 2, about 1 mm long, obovate, very obtuse, concave above, convex beneath, ciliate on the upper half. Calyx-tube obconic, scabrid: calyx-lobes scarcely 0-75 mm long, broadly oblong or rotund, glabrous. Petals 1.75-2 mm long, free, obovate, very obtuse, cuneate at the base. Anthers 0-5 mm long, reaching to the upper half of the petals. Ovary almost entirely inferior, hispid at the apex, with 2 uniovulate chambers: styles 2, connate in the lower half or free. Fruit unknown.
Like B. cordata but conspicuously hairy, bracteoles obovate and sepals fused for half their length.