About 60 cm high, with tomentose branches and branchlets. Leaves 4-6 mm long, partly imbricate, sessile, ascending, oblanceolate-elliptic or oblong-elliptic, very obtuse, rounded-convex and densely villous on the dorsal surface, deeply concave and glabrous on the ventral surface, ciliate. Flower-heads mostly about 7 mm wide, spherical. Bract leaf-like but narrower than the leaves. Bracteoles oblanceolate-linear, apiculate, villous on the dorsal surface, glabrous on the ventral surface. Calyx-tube sparsely pilose, adhering to the ovary except for a shallow cup-shaped upper part: calyx-lobes about 2 mm long, linear-lanceolate, silky-villous on the dorsal surface. Petals about 2 mm long, elliptic, subacute, villous on the dorsal surface, occasionally shortly and sparsely pubescent on the upper half of the ventral surface, with a pair of marginal keels converging and thickening at the base. Anthers elliptic. Ovary 3/4 inferior, densely villous on the upper part, with 2 uniovulate chambers: styles free, stout, villous at the base. Fruit unknown.
Erect, willowy shrub to 1.2 m, white-tomentose on young parts. Leaves erect to adpressed, elliptic-ovate, 4-6 mm long. Flowers few, crowded in heads, pink to magenta.