About 30 cm high, with sparsely villous branchlets. Leaves closely set, petiolate, 3-5 mm long, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, obtuse, erect-spreading, slightly incurved above the middle, convex and sparsely pubescent on the dorsal surface, flat on the ventral surface, slightly thickened at the margins, with a prominent median vein. Flower-heads solitary, 4-5 mm wide, rotund or hemispheric. Bracts foliaceous. Bracteoles oblanceolate, acutely convex and pubescent on the dorsal surface, reaching to the base of the sepals. Calyx-tube dorsally compressed, puberulous, with a cup-shaped free upper part: calyx-lobes narrowly deltoid, villous on the dorsal surface, ciliate, reaching to the middle of the petals. Petals about 1-5 mm long, obovate or elliptic, cuneate at base, obtuse, glabrous, white, with short keels merging at the base. Stamens reaching to the upper half of the petals: anthers orbicular. Ovary about half inferior, pubescent at the apex, with 2 uni-or biovulate chambers: styles free, diverging above the middle, reaching to the middle of the petals. Fruit unknown.
Shrub to 30 cm tall. Leaves closely set, 3-5 mm long, lanceolate to elliptic obtuse. Flower heads solitary, 4-5 mm wide, hemispherical. Calyx lobes villous, ciliate. Petals glabrous, white.