Plants large, in dense or moderately dense tufts, green to golden brownish. Stems creeping or more commonly ascending to erect when in dense tufts, julaceous, irregularly pinnate, branches terete-foliate; central strand present; pseudoparaphyllia acute; axillary hairs of 4-6 cells. Stem leaves erect-spreading, loosely imbricate in older parts of shoots, closely imbricate at shoot apices (or dense throughout shoots in compact tufts), broadly ovate-triangular to broadly ovate, strongly concave, slightly plicate; base narrowly short-decurrent, somewhat auriculate; margins serrate to serrulate; apex gradually tapered, short-acuminate or apiculate; costa to 50-90% leaf length, narrow, terminal spine absent; alar cells subquadrate to short-rectangular, broader than basal cells, ; laminal cells linear, slightly flexuose, walls moderately thick; basal cells broader than more distal cells. Branch leaves similar. Sexual condition dioicous; perichaetial leaves reflexed, apex acuminate. Seta red to red-brown, smooth. Capsule inclined to horizontal, brown, oblong, slightly curved; annulus separating by fragments; operculum broadly long-rostrate; peristome xerocastique, perfect. Calyptra naked. Spores 13-17 µm.