Stems to 2.5(-3) cm. Stem leaves ovate-triangular to short-lanceolate, mostly 1-1.8 mm, distal lamina 1-stratose, margins recurved in proximal half of leaf, plane distally, entire, acute to narrowly obtuse apically; costa percurrent, often ending in an apiculus, not much widened or tapering, usually 4 epidermal cells wide at mid leaf, adaxial surface of the costa weakly convex or concave; proximal cells differentiated juxtacostally or across leaf, rectangular, 2:1. Specialized asexual reproduction by small, multicellular, irregularly shaped brood bodies often borne on rhizoids. Sexual condition dioicous. [Capsule theca 2.2-2.5 mm, operculum 0.5-0.9 mm, peristome absent to rudimentary. Spores 12-15 µm.]