Stems to 1.5 cm. Stem leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, to 1-2 mm, distal lamina often 2-stratose in small patches above, margins narrowly recurved or revolute to near apex, entire, rounded to obtusely acute apically; costa ending 1-2 cells before apex, not much widened or tapering, to ca. 6 cells wide at mid leaf, adaxial surface of the costa weakly convex; proximal cells differentiated across leaf, rectangular, 3-4:1. Specialized asexual reproduction often present, by masses of unicellular gemmae on stalks in leaf axils. Sexual condition dioicous. [Capsule theca 1.5-3 mm; operculum 0.8-1.3 mm; peristome well developed, twisted, 500-950 µm. Spores 9-11 µm.]