Habit: narrow-canopied trees to 8 m high; bark dark grey, thick, deeply furrowed into platelets. Juvenile and intermediate stages with sturdy, spinescent, 10–12 mm long shoots; leaves clustering, petiolate, narrowly elliptic; margins almost entire; apices acute. Adult stages quickly achieved, rarely spinescent; leaves alternate, petioles 3–8 mm, lamina obovate, 30–70 mm long, 5–10 mm wide; abaxial surface with persistent indumentum of appressed uniseriate and T-shaped hairs. Inflorescences andromonoecious; leafy bracteose panicles of bisexual and staminate whitish, flowers on pedicels 3–6 mm. Sepals less than 2 mm long, very hairy, spreading from the base; petal length 5–6 mm, spreading from the base. Staminate flowers with vestigial pistillodes. Ovary incompletely bilocular in bisexual flowers, tomentose. Fruit plump, not flattened dehiscent capsules, 10–11 x 10–11 mm, brown when mature, persisting on branches. Seeds 5 or 6 per loculus, distinctively winged at margins, brown. Flowering mainly August to October; fruits mature several months later.