Habit: spindly, narrow trees to 20 m; bark smooth, not fissured or tessellated. Juvenile and intermediate development stages with slender 6–8 mm, terete, spinescent shoots; leaves distinctly petiolate, 2–5 mm long, lamina to 10 mm long, 5 mm wide, glabrescent; margins very dentate or almost lobed; apices acute and toothed. Adult stages quickly achieved, rarely spinescent; leaves alternate, petioles 4–14 mm long, elliptic to almost rhombic in shape, 40–80 mm long, 10–22 mm wide, thin; abaxial surface mostly glabrescent; petioles 4–14 mm long. Inflorescences andromonoecious; leafy panicles of staminate (lower branches) and bisexual whitish flowers, on pedicels 6–8 mm long. Sepals 1-2 mm long, green, spreading from base, persisting; petal length 4–6 mm, spreading from base. Pistil with ovary incompletely bilocular in bisexual flowers, glabrous. Fruit not overly flattened, chartaceous, 6–8 x 6–8 mm, persisting after seed shed. Seeds 6 or less per loculus, slightly winged at margins, 4 mm long, 2 mm wide. Flowering mainly April–July, fruits several months later.