Shrubs or woody vines, branches scandent or trailing. Leaves bearing small glands on distal 1/2 of petiole and/or on blade margin near base; stipules borne on petiole at or just distal to base, distinct. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, few-flowered umbels, corymbs, or short pseudoracemes. Pedicels raised on peduncles. Flowers all chasmogamous, 6+ mm diam., showy with visible petals, stamens, and styles; calyx glands 8 (anterior sepal eglandular, 4 lateral 2-glandular); corollas bilaterally symmetric, petals lemon yellow, densely white-sericeous or-tomentose [glabrous] abaxially; stamens 10, all fertile [posterior 3 occasionally sterile]; anterior 7 anthers notably larger than posterior 3; pistil 3-carpellate, carpels completely connate in ovary; styles 3, cylindric, stout; stigmas on internal angle, oblate, large. Fruits schizocarps, breaking into 3 samaras; samaras bearing 2 semicircular lateral wings and 1 well-developed dorsal wing, like lateral wings but notably [somewhat] smaller; nut wall thick, tough. x = 10.