Plants gregarious or tufted, brownish green, uncinate-curved at tips when dry, to ca. 10 mm but mostly shorter. Leaves dimorphic; vegetative 2-3 mm; distal lamina oblong to oblong-lanceolate; margins slightly thickened distally, entire; costa in cross section showing ad-and abaxial bands of stereid cells; medial cells distinct, 7-9 µm, bulging adaxially, smooth to slightly bulging or minutely 1-papillose abaxially; teniolae usually distinct at leaf shoulders and above, sometimes weak or interrupted; cancellinae ending in broad angles distally, often appearing truncate, adaxial cells smooth distally; gemmiferous leaves with apices constricted and often with narrow revolute marginal laminae, bearing gemmae only on adaxial surface in a usually conspicuous hairbrush-like tuft.