Shrubs or trees, the indument if present partly or entirely composed of di-brachiate hairs. Inflorescence cymose-paniculate, several-flowered, rarely only 3-flowered, usually subterminal. Receptacle distinctly produced above the ovary. Calyx concrescent, circumscissile at anthesis but the calyptra remaining attached at one point. Petals minute or wanting. Stamens numerous, incurved in the bud; anthers ovate, 2-celled, dorsifixed, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary 2-to 3-celled; cells 2-ovulate, the ovules ascending; stigma simple. Berry globose, crowned by the persistent free margin of the receptacle, 1-to 2-seeded, cotyledons free, contort-plicate, the radicle elongate.