Calyptranthes Sw.

Mountainbay (en)


Angiosperms > Myrtales > Myrtaceae


Shrubs or trees, the indument if present partly or entirely composed of di-brachiate hairs. Inflorescence cymose-paniculate, several-flowered, rarely only 3-flowered, usually subterminal. Receptacle distinctly produced above the ovary. Calyx concrescent, circumscissile at anthesis but the calyptra remaining attached at one point. Petals minute or wanting. Stamens numerous, incurved in the bud; anthers ovate, 2-celled, dorsifixed, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary 2-to 3-celled; cells 2-ovulate, the ovules ascending; stigma simple. Berry globose, crowned by the persistent free margin of the receptacle, 1-to 2-seeded, cotyledons free, contort-plicate, the radicle elongate.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Calyptranthes unspecified picture


Calyptranthes world distribution map, present in Panama and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000006302
INPN ID 628085
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Calyptranthes Chytraculia

Lower taxons

Calyptranthes nigrescens Calyptranthes affinis Calyptranthes amarulenta Calyptranthes anacletoi Calyptranthes blanchetiana Calyptranthes bracteosa Calyptranthes brevispicata Calyptranthes calyptrata Calyptranthes cardiophylla Calyptranthes caudata Calyptranthes chrysophylloides Calyptranthes chytraculia Calyptranthes densifolia Calyptranthes dichotoma Calyptranthes discolor Calyptranthes flavoviridis Calyptranthes fusiformis Calyptranthes grandiflora Calyptranthes hotteana Calyptranthes involucrata Calyptranthes leonis Calyptranthes leptoclada Calyptranthes levisensis Calyptranthes limoncillo Calyptranthes linearis Calyptranthes mayarensis Calyptranthes micrantha Calyptranthes myrcioides Calyptranthes nipensis Calyptranthes nodosa Calyptranthes obtusa Calyptranthes palustris Calyptranthes peduncularis Calyptranthes pinetorum Calyptranthes polyantha Calyptranthes rigida Calyptranthes rubella Calyptranthes rufescens Calyptranthes samuelssonii Calyptranthes subcapitata Calyptranthes terniflora Calyptranthes umbelliformis Calyptranthes ursina Calyptranthes widgreniana Calyptranthes wilsonii Calyptranthes pocsiana Calyptranthes acutissima Calyptranthes anceps Calyptranthes apoda Calyptranthes arborea Calyptranthes arenicola Calyptranthes barkeri Calyptranthes bimarginata Calyptranthes calophylla Calyptranthes capitata Calyptranthes capitulata Calyptranthes clarensis Calyptranthes clementis Calyptranthes collina Calyptranthes compressa Calyptranthes dardanoi Calyptranthes decandra Calyptranthes depressa Calyptranthes dryadica Calyptranthes eriocephala Calyptranthes ermitensis Calyptranthes estremenae Calyptranthes exasperata Calyptranthes fasciculata Calyptranthes glabrescens Calyptranthes glazioviana Calyptranthes guayabillo Calyptranthes hatschbachii Calyptranthes heteroclada Calyptranthes hylobates Calyptranthes jimenoana Calyptranthes kiaerskovii Calyptranthes krugii Calyptranthes laevigata Calyptranthes lilloi Calyptranthes litoralis Calyptranthes loranthifolia Calyptranthes luetzelburgii Calyptranthes melanoclada Calyptranthes minutiflora Calyptranthes mirabilis Calyptranthes monocarpa Calyptranthes mornicola Calyptranthes munizii Calyptranthes nummularia Calyptranthes obovata Calyptranthes obversa Calyptranthes ovalifolia Calyptranthes ovata Calyptranthes pachyadenia Calyptranthes pleophlebia Calyptranthes polysticta Calyptranthes pozasiana Calyptranthes protracta Calyptranthes pseudomoaensis Calyptranthes punctata Calyptranthes quinoensis Calyptranthes rhodophylla Calyptranthes rufotomentosa Calyptranthes salicifolia Calyptranthes smithii Calyptranthes sordida Calyptranthes toaensis Calyptranthes triflora Calyptranthes williamsii Calyptranthes woodburyi Calyptranthes yaquensis Calyptranthes yaraensis Calyptranthes elegans Calyptranthes fluviatilis Calyptranthes garciae Calyptranthes grandifolia Calyptranthes lomensis Calyptranthes marmeladensis Calyptranthes martorellii Calyptranthes oblongifolia Calyptranthes picachoana Calyptranthes pitoniana Calyptranthes sintenisii Calyptranthes vexata Calyptranthes guaybabillo Calyptranthes triflorum Calyptranthes ubatubana Calyptranthes irregularis Calyptranthes corticosa Calyptranthes guanacastensis Calyptranthes curta Calyptranthes mcvaughii Calyptranthes caroli Calyptranthes cuprea Calyptranthes apicata Calyptranthes tussaceana Calyptranthes bergii Calyptranthes proctorii Calyptranthes cephalantha Calyptranthes cubensis Calyptranthes eriopoda Calyptranthes variabilis Calyptranthes gracilipes Calyptranthes canapuensis Calyptranthes heterochroa Calyptranthes maestrensis Calyptranthes paradoxa Calyptranthes rotundata Calyptranthes rupicola Calyptranthes selleana Calyptranthes grandis Calyptranthes ovoidea Calyptranthes acunae Calyptranthes albicans Calyptranthes banilejoana Calyptranthes baracoensis Calyptranthes bialata Calyptranthes boldinghii Calyptranthes cristalensis Calyptranthes elongata Calyptranthes enneantha Calyptranthes insularis Calyptranthes oblanceolata Calyptranthes oligantha Calyptranthes oreophila Calyptranthes peninsularis Calyptranthes picardae Calyptranthes pseudoapoda