Plants 0.5-5 cm, in dense mats, yellowish to olive green, tomen-tum present or almost absent. Leaves 4-6 mm, erect-patent when wet, appressed when dry, lanceo-late, straight, with entire margins; alar cells absent or formed by thin-walled, hyaline to reddish, inflated cells; basal laminal cells hyaline, rectangular, thin-walled, extending higher at margins and forming a V-shaped area; distal laminal cells incrassate, shortly rectangular to oblique, chlorophyllose; costa filling 1/2-3/4 of leaf width, excurrent in a hyaline hair tip, which is conspicuously 90° reflexed, in transverse section showing adaxial hyalocysts and abaxial stereids, shortly lamellose at back with ribs 1-2 cells high. Specialized asexual reproduction occasionally by deciduous stem tips. Seta 7-12 mm, yellowish brown to brownish in age, often several sporophytes from the same plant, curved or sinuose. Capsule brown, 1.5 mm, slightly asymmetric and curved when empty. Calyptra ciliate at base. Spores 12-14 µm.
Plants in cushions. Stems up to 30 mm long. Leaves frequently comose, appressed when dry, erect-spreading when wet; oblong to elliptical, acuminate, 3-7 mm long; margins entire; costa long-excurrent as dentate, hyaline awn, frequently reflexed; in section with ventral cells large, dorsal surface with single cells or lamellae 1 or 2 cells long. Upper laminal cells short-rectangular to rhomboidal; basal cells rectangular, hyaline, thin-walled, forming weak V-shaped area; alar cells short-rectangular, thin-walled, reddish. Sporophytes not known in area.