A large spreading tree, differing from C. schweinfurthii in its fewer leaflets, with ± 9 pairs of principal lateral veins on longer petiolules, and in its much smaller flowers in spreading panicles ± as broad as they are long. The stone of the fruit has less sharp angles than that of C. schweinfurthii and has 3 minor ridges between each of the angles instead of one only as illustrated by Kabuye in Utafiti 1(2), fig. 1/9 (1988), Fig. 1/9, p.3.
Flowers in laxly paniculate inflorescences up to 20 cm. long (female inflorescence smaller), with clusters of 6–15 flowers in cymose glomerules; outer bracts broad and very caducous, inner bracts c. 3 mm. long, linear, ferruginous-pubescent; pedicels 1 (6) mm. long, calyx 2–3 mm. long, campanulate, shortly and obtusely lobed to about 1/3 of the way or less, densely ferruginous-pubescent outside, glabrous within.
Leaves up to 25 (55) cm. long; petiole up to c. 7 cm. long; leaflets 4–5 (9)-jugate, up to 12 (16) × 4 (5·5) cm., the lower pairs smaller, ovate-oblong to oblong, apex bluntly acuminate, margins entire or undulate, base rounded, glabrous or almost so on both sides except for the midrib which is densely pilose below; nerves slightly raised below; petiolules c. 1·2 cm. long, hairy.
Laxly branched deciduous tree up to 12 (30) m. tall; bark brown, rough, fissured; branches spreading; crown round; young branches, petiole, leaf-rhachis and branches of inflorescence covered with a ferruginous or greyish-ferruginous indumentum of simple hairs.
Fruit up to 4·5 × 2·3 cm., ovoid-ellipsoid, plum-like; endocarp almost as large as the fruit, ovoid-ellipsoid and somewhat trigonous.
Petals c. 5 × 3 mm., oblong, keeled, apex mucronulate, pubescent outside, glabrous within.
Stamens 2–3 mm. long, with thickened filaments tapering to the apex, glabrous.
Disk annular, very small.
Female flowers not seen.