Leaves well spaced along older branches, or less often restricted to new growth; blades 0.5–4 × 0.5–2.6 cm, broadly elliptic or sometimes ovate, obtuse to acute at the apex, cuneate or sometimes obtuse to rounded at the base, glabrous, papery, turning blackish when dry; lateral nerves, in 3–4 main pairs, inconspicuous; tertiary nerves obscure; domatia present as ciliate pits, sometimes incompletely formed or absent; petioles 3–6 mm long; stipules 2–3 mm long, sheathing at base then triangular, apiculate, with a few hairs inside.
Glabra ramis ramulisque teretibus, foliis ovatis acutis subnervosis basi subcordatis v. subiter attenuatis v. inaequilateris, pedunculis oppositis axillaribus patulis bifloris, floribus pedicellatis, stipulis cuspidatis. Ramuli erecto-patentes ramique epidermide tenui viridi vestiti. Pedunculus filiformis fere pollicem et pedicellus 5-7 lin. longi. Bacca oblique oblonga utrinque obtusa l locularis loculo uno abortivo.
Corolla greenish-white; tube 2.5–4 mm long, inside with a ring of deflexed hairs near the top and with some hairs projecting from throat; lobes 1.75–2.25 × 1.25–1.5 mm, oblong-triangular, acute.
Small tree or shrub, up to 4 m high, sometimes armed with small spines. Leaves ovate, concolorous, glabrous. Inflorescence 2-flowered, long-pedunculate. Corolla throat naked. Flowers greenish.
Shrub or small tree, or sometimes a liana, 1.7–10 m tall, often armed with supra-axillary spines; young stems slender, glabrous or occasionally pubescent; bark grey.
Flowers 5-merous, solitary, or with 2 or 3 borne on a common peduncle; peduncle 10–14 mm long; pedicels 8–15 mm long, or 16–28 mm long in solitary flowers.
Fruit (11)13–15 × 9–15 mm, either narrowly obovate or obcordate in lateral view, scarcely or distinctly indented at the apex.
Pyrene c. 10 × 5 mm, narrowly oblong-ellipsoid, point of attachment ± truncate with shallow crest running to apex, rugulose.
Anthers set at throat, apiculate with a central band of darkened connective tissue on the dorsal side.
Calyx tube c. 1 mm long; limb 0.5–1 mm long, repand and very shortly dentate.
Like C. ciliatum but leaves glabrous, often borne on spur shoots.
Pollen presenter c. 0.75 × 0.75 mm; disk glabrous.
Style scarcely exserted.