Rhizome short. Culms tufted, 30-60 cm tall, medium thick, triquetrous, smooth, clothed with bladeless brown sheaths at base, few sheaths disintegrating into fibers. Leaves shorter than culm, blades 3-4 mm wide, flat, rather stiff, sheathed. Involucral bracts longer than culm, leaflike, lowest sheath long, upper ones rather short. Spikes 3 or 4, rather remote; terminal spike male, linear, 1-2 cm, shortly pedunculate; lateral spikes female, oblong or oblong-cylindric, 1-3 cm, densely many flowered, lowest long pedunculate, upper ones rather shortly pedunculate. Female glumes pale, lanceolate-ovate, ca. 2.8 mm, membranous, 1-3-veined, apex acuminate, with an awn. Utricles brown-green, obliquely patent, horizontally patent at maturity, slightly longer than glume, broadly obovate, inflated trigonous, ca. 3 mm, membranous, glabrous, many veined, base broadly cuneate, estipitate, apex abruptly contracted into a short beak, orifice 2-toothed. Nutlets pale brown, yellowish on angles, slightly loosely enveloped, nearly broadly elliptic or broadly obovate, trigonous, ca. 2 mm; stigmas 3, short. Fl. and fr. Apr-May.
Stems to 30 cm high, ± slender. Leaves, much < stems, ± 2.5 mm wide, flat. Inflorescence of 3-4 spikes; uppermost spike male, very short, only c. ⅔ length of female spike just below, glumes with exceptionally long awns; female spikes ± 2 cm × 5 mm, on rather stiff erect peduncles. Glumes light brown, very narrow, with long awns almost = utricles. Utricles ± 3.5 × 1.5 mm, ± trigonous, turgid, oblong or ovoid, dull dark brown, strongly many-nerved, narrowed abruptly to a small, light brown, shortly bidentate beak. Stigmas 3. Nut trigonous, cream.