Rhizome creeping, slender, 1-2 mm thick, covered with brown, striate scales. Stems approximate or loosely tufted, erect or suberect, slender and rather flaccid, triquetrous, scabrid at the top, 20-45 cm by 0.5-1 mm. Leaves subbasal, as long as to longer than the stems, flat, shortly attenuate, glabrous, scabrid on margins and nerves towards the apex, 2-3 mm wide, the lower ones reduced to brown, entire, bladeless or short-bladed sheaths. Spikelet 1, terminal, erect, androgynous, oblong-ellipsoid to shortly cylindric, densely many-flowered, 10-15 by 5-6 mm, the male part shorter than the female one. Glumes ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute or the upper obtusish, thin, glabrous, reddish brown with 3-nerved, pale, central stripe, 3-4 mm long, lower mucronate (mucro up to 1 mm), upper muticous. Utricles ellipsoid, triquetrous, angled dorsally, obliquely erect, membranous, glabrous and smooth, distinctly 4-5-nerved on each face, pale green, 4.5-5 by 1.25-1.5 mm, shortly stipitate, rather abruptly narrowed into a slender, linear, bidentate, c. 1.5 mm long beak. Nut obovoid, triquetrous, apiculate, c. 2 by 1 1/3 mm. Style-base scarcely thickened. Stigmas 3.