Carlina vulgaris L.

Carline thistle (en), Chardon doré (fr), Carline commune (fr)


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae > Carlina


Taprooted biennial to 4(–7) dm, arachnoid-tomentose to subglabrous, simple or more often freely branched, the heads terminating the branches; lvs to 10(–15) cm, the lower tapering to a petiolar base, the others broadly sessile; stem not winged; invol 2–2.5 cm, the outer bracts like reduced lvs, the inner with long, slender, acuminate, brightly stramineous, eventually spreading tip; fls purple; achenes 3–4 mm; pappus 1 cm; 2n=20. Native of Europe, now well established as a weed in pastures and old fields near Ithaca, N.Y. and in nw. N.J., and to be expected elsewhere. Aug.
A thistle herb that has a 2 year life-cycle. It grows 50 cm high and spreads 50 cm wide. The stem is erect and stiff. It has a purple tinge. The leaves in the first year are flat and strap like. They are hairy and have spines. The leaves in the second year are sword shaped and stiff with bristles. The edges are wavy. The leaves on the stem clasp the stem. The flowers are yellow with purple towards the centre. They are in clusters of 2-5. The fruit are cylinder shaped nutlets.
Life form biennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Spread anemochory
Mature width (meter) 0.5
Mature height (meter) 0.45 - 0.5
Root system tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) 0.2
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a temperate plant. It grows on dry chalky soils often in stony places. It is resistant to drought and frost.
Poor soils on dry banks and pastures, especially on chalk.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-6
Soil texture 3-6
Soil acidity 6-9
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-8


The flower receptacles are used like an artichoke. The young leaves are boiled in mixtures of leafy vegetables.
Uses medicinal
Edible flowers stems
Therapeutic use Cholagogue (unspecified), Detergent (unspecified), Emetic (unspecified), Laxative (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Sudorific (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants are grown by seed.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 14 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 20
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Carlina vulgaris habit picture by Christian Baladou (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris habit picture by akire kilbuk (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris habit picture by Théo Bazire (cc-by-sa)


Carlina vulgaris leaf picture by Juanma Crespo (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris leaf picture by Irène MARIETTE (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris leaf picture by Lionel Barrymore (cc-by-sa)


Carlina vulgaris flower picture by kikaso (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris flower picture by Andrea Andrea (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris flower picture by Juanma Crespo (cc-by-sa)


Carlina vulgaris fruit picture by Monique TROEL-SYS (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris fruit picture by victor belloc (cc-by-sa)
Carlina vulgaris fruit picture by Karl Raffalt (cc-by-sa)


Carlina vulgaris world distribution map, present in France and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-0000130786
COL ID 69C38
BDTFX ID 14613
INPN ID 89180
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Carlina vulgaris Carlina longifolia Carlina rigida var. sordida Carlina semiamplexicaulis var. semiamplexicaulis Carlina rhodopea var. rhodopea Carlina striata var. striata Carlina vulgaris var. vulgaris Carlina semiamplexicaulis var. angustifolia Carlina striata var. angustifolia Carlina striata var. ciliata Carlina rhodopea var. plicata Carlina semiamplexicaulis var. ramosissima

Lower taxons

Carlina vulgaris subsp. spinosa