Carya glabra (Mill.) Sweet

Pignut hickory (en), Caryer glabre (fr)


Angiosperms > Fagales > Juglandaceae > Carya


Trees , to 30 m. Bark light gray, smooth or fissured or exfoliating with small platelike scales or narrow strips. Twigs reddish brown, slender, essentially glabrous or sparsely scaly. Terminal buds reddish brown to tan, ovoid, 5-15 mm; outer scales sparsely scaly, hirsute to glabrous, inner scales finely pubescent, sparsely scaly, bud scales imbricate; axillary buds protected by bracteoles fused into hood. Leaves 2-6 dm; petiole 3-14 cm, glabrous to moderately pubescent near rachis, moderately scaly, rachis glabrous or finely puberulent. Leaflets (3-)5-7(-9), lateral petiolules 0-2 mm, terminal petiolules 2-18 mm; blades ovate to elliptic or obovate, not falcate 4-21 × 2-10 cm, margins finely to coarsely serrate, apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate; surfaces abaxially glabrous to densely pubescent with unicellular and 2-4-rayed fasciculate hairs, large peltate scales and small irregular, round, and 4-lobed peltate scales in spring, usually becoming glabrous in fall, adaxially scaly in spring. Staminate catkins pedunculate, to 13 cm, stalks glabrous or densely pubescent, bracts hirsute at tips; anthers hirsute. Fruits tan to reddish brown, obovoid, spheric or ellipsoid, not compressed to compressed, not angled, 2-4.5 × 2-3.5 cm; husks rough, 2-5 mm thick, partially dehiscent or dehiscing to base, sutures smooth or slightly winged; nuts tan, obovoid to ellipsoid, not compressed to compressed, not angled, rugulose; shells thick. Seeds sweet.
Bark light or dark gray, on younger trunks tight and patterned, becoming finely furrowed and checked, later rough and deeply furrowed; outer bud-scales sparsely resinous-dotted, otherwise glabrous; petiole, rachis, and lower lf-surface soon glabrous, or pubescent only on the larger veins and in the vein-axils; lfls usually 5(7), the terminal one broadly oblanceolate to obovate; fr subglobose to obovoid, 2–3.5(–5) cm; husk 2–6 mm thick, eventually dehiscent to the middle, sometimes only along one or two sutures; nut 2–3 cm, rather thin-shelled, pale buff, slightly 4-angled or smooth, round or compressed; kernel astringent, scarcely edible, varying to bland; 2n=64. Upland woods; s. Vt. and se. N.H. to Mich., se. Io., and e. Kans., s. to Fla. and e. Tex.
A tree that loses its leaves. It grows 24-30 m high. The trunk is 30-60 cm across. The bark is grey and has narrow ridges. It has an irregular spreading crown. The leaves are mid green. They are 15-25 cm long. There are 5-7 leaflets which are sword shaped. These are 7.5-15 cm long. The flowers are very small and greenish. The male flowers are in slender drooping catkins. There are 3 hanging from one stalk. There are 2-10 female flowers at the tip of the same twig. The fruit are 2.5-5 cm long and slightly pear shaped. The nuts are small. It produces large numbers of nuts. They are thinned shelled and egg shaped. They can be bitter or sweet.
Life form perennial
Growth form tree
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination anemogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 3.0 - 6.0
Mature height (meter) 27.2 - 30.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 1.3
Root diameter (meter) 0.2
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It grows in both dry and moist uplands in hardwood forests. It needs deep, rich loamy soils and an open sunny position. It is resistant to frost but damaged by drought. It suits hardiness zones 4-9.
Dry woods and on slopes. The best specimens are found in deep moist well-drained soils.
Light 5-8
Soil humidity 3-6
Soil texture 2-5
Soil acidity 2-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-8


The seeds vary and can be bitter. Some are sweet and pleasant and eaten. Ripe nuts should be used. Some are used for drinks.
Uses drinks eating experimental purposes fiber fuel gene source material paper smoking timber wood
Edible nuts saps seeds
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants are grown from seeds.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -23
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Carya glabra habit picture by Eli Small (cc-by-sa)
Carya glabra habit picture by Matt Cortese (cc-by-sa)
Carya glabra habit picture by Eli Small (cc-by-sa)


Carya glabra leaf picture by Michelle T (cc-by-sa)
Carya glabra leaf picture by Eli Small (cc-by-sa)
Carya glabra leaf picture by Lawrence Chu (cc-by-sa)


Carya glabra flower picture by Mary Pierce (cc-by-sa)


Carya glabra fruit picture by Michelle T (cc-by-sa)
Carya glabra fruit picture by Crystal K (cc-by-sa)
Carya glabra fruit picture by flo floglo (cc-by-sa)


Carya glabra world distribution map, present in Canada, Germany, Georgia, and United States of America

Conservation status

Carya glabra threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000588753
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Juglans glabra Carya austrina Hicorius glabra Carya glabra Carya microcarpa Carya obcordata Carya porcina Hicorius austrina Hicorius magnifloridiana Hicorius microcarpa Hicorius microcarpa Hicoria glabra Hicoria microcarpa Hicoria austrina Juglans porcina Juglans obcordata Juglans porcina Hicorius porcina Hicoria odorata Scoria pyriformis Scoria glabra Carya porcina var. hirsuta Carya porcina var. reniformis Carya glabra f. angulata Carya glabra var. glabra Juglans alba var. odorata Hicoria glabra var. odorata Hicoria ovalis var. odorata Hicorius glabra var. acuta Hicorius glabra var. pyriformis Hicorius glabra var. reniformis Hicorius glabra var. similis Hicorius porcina var. acuta Hicorius porcina var. hirsuta Hicorius porcina var. reniformis

Lower taxons

Carya glabra var. megacarpa Carya glabra var. odorata