Pecan with high nut quality, excellent scab disease resistance, and high yield potential. Origin: USDA-ARS Pecan Breeding Program, College Station, TX, by L.D. Romberg, T.E. Thompson, and L.J. Grauke. Moore × Schley; crossed in Brownwood, TX in 1948; selected 1960; tested as 1948-13-311; introd. 2009. Nut: oblong with acute apex, rounded base, round in cross-section; 185 nuts/kg; 54% kernel; mature early to midseason, similar to Caddo and Barton, about 3 weeks after Pawnee. Kernel: cream to golden; medium, non-trapping dorsal grooves and narrow dorsal ridge; shelling to produce a large proportion of halves and large pieces. Tree: vigorous; central leader growth habit; strong limb angles similar to the Moore parent; protandrous, with early to midseason pollen shed and midseason to late receptivity similar to Desirable; ripens early season, about one week after Pawnee; performed well in Alabama, Georgia, and Texas; resistant to pecan scab (Fusicladium effusum); medium susceptibility to yellow aphid complex (Monelliopsis pecanis and Monellia caryella) and black aphids (Melanocallis caryaefoliae); yields averaged 1793 kg/Ha. in commercial test near Albany, GA, with excellent prices. Fruit: