Origin: from a controlled cross (Success? × Schley) made by C. Forkert of Ocean Springs, Jackson County, Miss. Nuts from the cross were planted about 1913. Introd. by Forkert's nursery in the 1920s and used as a yard tree in south Mississippi. Potential as commercial cultivar rediscovered in the 1960s. Nut: oblong elliptic with acuminate apex and obtuse base, surface very rough, with prominent dark stripes; round in cross section; 49 nuts/lb, 62% kernel; kernels cream to golden in color, with deep, relatively narrow dorsal grooves. Protogynous, with mid-to late-season pollen and early pistillate receptivity. Susceptible to scab in Louisiana. Recommended (1990) in Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. Tree: Fruit: