Origin: as native seedling on the Neosho River near Chetopa, Kan., on the property of A.E. Giles. Discovered about 1927 by J. Ford Wilkinson, Indiana Nut Nursery, Rockport, Ind. Intro. in 1930 by Wilkinson. Nut: oblong with acute, asymmetric apex and rounded base; laterally compressed in cross section; shell darkly marked with stripes, raised at suture; 74 nuts/lb, 53% kernel; kernels golden, with wide dorsal grooves, narrow dorsal ridge, deep, but wide basal cleft. Protandrous, with midseason pollen shed and pistillate receptivity. Recommended for commercial orchards in Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Used as a seedstock in parts of Oklahoma and Kansas. Tree: Fruit: