Origin: as seedling selection made by H.C. Bohls, Austin, Texas. Plant patent 3434; 15 Jan. 1974 assigned to O.S. Gray, Arlington, Texas. Parentage unknown, but suspected to be Mahan × Texas Prolific, which is consistent with isozymes, dichogamy, and appearance; tested as Mary. Nut: oblong with obtuse apex and right angled to acute base; nuts often asymmetric, with prominent suture stripe; round in cross section; 42 nuts/lb, 59% kernel; kernels golden with wide dorsal grooves, deep secondary dorsal grooves, deep basal cleft, and wrinkled texture. Protogynous with late-season pollen shed and early to midseason pistillate receptivity. Very precocious and prolific, with severe alternate bearing tendencies. Ripens midseason. Not recommended for planting in any state. Tree: Fruit: