Origin: as native seedling in York, Clark County, Ill., discovered by H.G. Hodge about 1890. Specimens sent to U.S. Dept. of Agr. 20 Feb. 1893. First northern pecan cultivar to be discovered and described. Introd. in 1954 by the Gerardi Nursery, Caseyville, Ill. Nuts distributed as Hodge's Favorite and Illinois Mammoth. Cultivar described in 1908 as Hodge. Nut: oblong, with acute apex and obtuse asymmetric base; shell rough, with prominent ridge along suture; laterally compressed in cross section; 69 nuts/lb, 59% kernel; kernels with shallow, wide dorsal grooves, deep, narrow basal cleft, and deep ventral groove; kernels break up badly in shelling. Ripens early. Weak wood subject to splitting on windy sites. Protogynous, with late pollen shed. Recommended (1990) for planting in Kentucky. Tree: Fruit: