Early maturing pecan with excellent yield potential, high nut quality, and good scab resistance. Origin: USDA-ARS Pecan Breeding Program, College Station, TX, by T.E. Thompson and L.J. Grauke. BW-1 × Osage; crossed in Brownwood, TX 1985; selected 1996; tested as 1985-1-2; introd. 2009. Nut: oblong elliptic with obtuse apex, rounded base, flattened in cross-section; 116 nuts/kg; 62% kernel; mature very early, 4 d before Pawnee. Kernel: cream to golden; medium, non-trapping dorsal grooves and rounded dorsal ridge; shells easily into full halves; very attractive. Tree: strong branch angles; initiates growth late, after Pawnee; protandrous, with early to midseason pollen shed and mid-to late-season pistil receptivity, similar to Pawnee; good pollenizer for, and pollenized by, Kanza, Wichita and Lakota; resistant to pecan scab; medium susceptibility to yellow aphid complex and black aphids; yields at Brownwood, TX comparable to Pawnee, exceeded Desirable, and with less alternate bearing than both. Fruit: