Origin: as open-pollinated seedling of Mahan by Emma Charlton, Maramec, Okla. Nut planted in 1933, selected in 1963, tested as 63M. Introd. in 1969. Nut: oblong with obtuse apex and base; prominent basal tip; shell rough, ridged, pinched in middle; round in cross section; 44 nuts/lb, 59% kernel; kernels with medium dorsal grooves, deep secondary dorsal grooves, dorsal ridge thickened at base. Protogynous with late pollen shed and early to midseason receptivity. Precocious. Ripens midseason, shortly before Stuart. Susceptible to scab in Louisiana, but considered somewhat resistant in Oklahoma and Georgia. Recommended (1990) for planting in Oklahoma and north Texas. Tree: Fruit: