Origin: as chance seedling among 2000 FL nursery seedlings planted in 1900 on Cuba Island in Moon Lake, Coahoma County, Miss., by F.M. Owens. Discovered in 1914. Introd. in 1930. Nut: oblong elliptic with obtuse apex and base; round in cross section; shell rough, ridged, with silver sheen; 48% kernel; kernels with wide dorsal grooves, narrow dorsal ridge, deep basal cleft; cracks out well. Protandrous, with early to midseason pollen shed and mid-to late-season receptivity. Strong tree structure withstands wind and sleet. Annual bearer of moderate crop. Resistant to scab. Resistant to black pecan aphid. Recommended (1990) for planting in Alabama, Arizona, and Mississippi. Tree: Fruit: