Origin: as native seedling near Mississippi River, in St. Charles, Mo., on property owned by George Hunn and known locally in 1918 as Hunn. Tree first propagated in 1935 by R. Richterkessing, with permission of new owner Wm. Krause who suggested the name Peruque. Introd. in 1953. First commercially propagated by Gerardi Nursery, O'Fallen, Ill. Nut: ovate, with obtuse apex and rounded base; laterally compressed in cross section; dark suture line at base; apex slightly furrowed on abaxial and adaxial surfaces; 81 nuts/lb, 59% kernel; kernels golden, with tight dorsal grooves and a deep basal cleft. Protandrous, with early to midseason pollen shed, and midseason receptivity. Ripens very early. Good scab resistance. Recommended (1990) for commercial plantings in Arizona, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee and for homeowners in all of those states except Missouri. Tree: Fruit: