Leaves paripinnate; stipules not seen, probably very early caducous; petiole 6–9 cm long, sparsely appressed-puberulous; rachis 13–25 cm long, sparsely appressed-puberulous; petiolules 3–5 mm long, sparsely puberulous; leaflets opposite, in 6–7 pairs, 4.8–9 × 3.2–5.3 cm, broadly ovate to elliptic, apex rounded or retuse, base rounded to broadly cuneate, sometimes slightly asymmetric, sparsely appressed-pubescent beneath, glabrescent; venation slightly prominent particularly beneath.
Inflorescences axillary, racemose, 18–50 cm long, simple or branched, pendulous; axis sparsely appressed-pubescent; bracts and bracteoles not seen, early caducous; pedicels 24–27 mm long at anthesis, sparsely appressed-pubescent.
Stamens 10; filaments glabrous, three of them c.17 mm long, sigmoidally curved near the base and abruptly swollen near the middle with anthers 3 mm long, the rest 5–7 mm long, straight, anthers 1–2 mm long.
Ovary multiovulate, 15–17 mm long and 1–2 mm in diameter, filiform, densely sericeous-pubescent; stipe short; stigma terminal, recessed.
Calyx lobes 5, c.8 × 4 mm, elliptic to ovate, minutely puberulous inside and outside.
Branchlets dark red-brown, longitudinally ridged, sparsely puberulous, glabrescent.
Seed shiny dark brown, c.10 × 8 × 2–3 mm, broadly obovate-elliptic, flattened.
Pod blackish, 40–60 × 1–1.5 cm, transversely septate, terete, glabrous.
Petals 5, white, 15–16 × 8–10 mm, elliptic to obovate.
Shrub or small tree, 1–6(8) m tall.