Flowers 5–6-merous; pedicels 1·5–2 mm. long, ± pubescent, articulate near the apex; bracteoles c. 1·5 mm. long, ± conchiform, truncate or rounded (sometimes lacerate) at the apex, truncate at the base, glabrous or glabrescent abaxially and puberulous at the margins.
A tree. It grows 6 m tall. The branches are pale grey. The leaves are 3-5 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. They are broadly oval and leathery. The edges are slightly curved back. The tip is round and the base is wedge shaped. The flowers have 5 or 6 parts.
Ovary 1·5 mm. long, ovoid, 3–4-locular, sparsely hairy (more densely towards the apex), semi-inferior; style 3–4 mm. long, hairy at and near the base, persistent, with 3–4 stigmatic surfaces at the apex.
Calyx appressed-pubescent outside and glabrous inside; calyx-tube c. 1 mm. long; calyx-lobes 4–5 mm. long, lanceolate.
Tree 6 m. high; branches pale grey, rough, pubescent when young, glabrous with age.
Stamens c. 17; filaments 3–4 mm. long; anthers c. 1 mm. long, oblong-ellipsoid.
Petals c. 5 mm. long, spathulate, laciniate above, glabrous.
Inflorescences ± dense and congested fascicles.
Fruit unknown, stated to be edible.