Tree to 12 m. tall; young stem densely longly yellow-pubescent, darkening and glabrescent.. Leaves petiolate; petiole up to 1 cm. long, indumentum as on stem; blade narrowly to broadly elliptic, narrowly obovate to sublanceolate or more rarely lanceolate, up to 15 × 7 cm., cuneate to an acute base, apex acuminate, margin broadly bluntly or sharply sometimes shallowly ± serrate especially above the middle, glabrous above, ± longly pubescent beneath especially on midrib.. Flowers (2–) 4–8 per inflorescence; pedicels up to 5 mm. long, articulate above the middle, longly and densely hirsute.. Calyx 4 (–5)-partite; tube 1.5 mm. long; lobes 4 mm. long, triangular, acute at apex, longly and densely appressed yellow-hirsute externally, sparsely pubescent within.. Petals 4 (–5), laciniate, glabrous.. Stamens 16 (–17) –20; disc slight.. Ovary half-inferior, 3–4-celled, densely white-shining-hirsute; style up to 4 mm. long, persistent.. Capsule ovoid, up to 6 mm. long, verrucose, shortly densely hirtellous and longly spreading-white-or yellow-hirsute.. Fig. 4/1–5.
A common understorey tree occurring in upland evergreen forest or dense semi-swamp forest, at elevations from 500-2,500 metres.