Shrubs or trees. Flowers small, aggregate in axillary fascicles, pedicels (very) short; connate bracts forming a small cupular persistent epicalyx around the pedicel. Calyx cup-shaped, fleshy, obsoletely 5-6-dentate, small, not or hardly accrescent towards fructification; petals 5-6(-7), free, triangular-lanceolate, fleshy, concave adaxially in lower part to shelter the anthers, barbate above middle adaxially; disc hypogynous, free, fleshy, much accrescent after anthesis to cover the fruit almost completely; stamens 5-6, epipetalous, half as long as petals, filaments flat, thickish; anthers almost tetragonous; ovary very shortly stipitate, conical, 6-12-sulcate, attenuate to a short cylindric style and a slightly 3-lobed stigma, 1-locular above, 2-locular below, with a single ovule pendent from an axile placenta into each cell. Fruit a pseudo-drupe, subtended by the thickened upper part of the pedicel with the epicalyx and calyx, covered halfway to almost completely by the accrescent pericarp-like disc, endocarp crustaceous, endosperm fleshy, containing much amylum and very little or no fatty substances, embryo minute, at apex of the albumen.