Deciduous trees. Leaves usually paripinnate; leaflets entire. Flowers 5-merous, unisexual (plants monoecious) in large much-branched panicles. Calyx variable, lobed almost to the base, shallowly dentate, or cup-shaped and split down one side. Petals 5, imbricate, adnate for one-third of their length to the long columnar androgynophore by a median carina (thereby preventing their spreading in open flowers). Stamens 5, free, adnate to the androgynophore below; staminodes absent. Ovary 5-locular; locules with 6–12 ovules; style-head discoid with glandular stigmatic papillae. Fruit a pendulous, thinly or thickly woody, obovoid or calviform, septifragal capsule, opening from the apex by 5 valves; columella woody, sharply 5-angled, extending to the apex of the capsule; seed-scars conspicuous. Seeds with a terminal wing, attached by the seed-end to the apex of the columella.
Trees, tall, deciduous. Leaves in spirals, usually odd-pinnate; leaflets opposite to subopposite; leaflet blades with margin entire or ± serrate. Inflorescences subterminal thyrses. Flowers usually appearing bisexual, small. Calyx short, 4-or 5-lobed. Petals 5, distinct, adnate to disk. Stamens 5, distinct, inserted on apex of disk and alternate with petals; filaments conic; anthers versatile, base cordate; staminodes absent. Disk thick, lobed. Ovary 5-locular, usually with 8-14 seeds per locule; stigma discoid. Fruit a septifragal capsule with 5 valves. Seeds numerous, flat, apical end winged.