Tufted perennial, up to 0.15 m high, andromonoecious. Leaves petiolate, crowded, narrowly elliptic, coriaceous, sparsely long-hairy to glabrous, reddish brown, base narrowly cuneate, margins entire or rarely toothed, teeth obtuse. Inflorescences: umbels hidden among crowded leaves of tuft. Flowers yellowish. Flowering time Jan.-Mar. Fruit widely depressed-ovate, 1-2 x 2-3 mm, longer and wider than bracts, smooth to ribbed, slightly wrinkled.
Small, tufted perennial to 10 cm. Leaves petiolate, crowded, linear-oblong, sparsely hairy to glabrous, reddish brown, entire. Flowers yellowish. Fruit widely depressed-ovate, longer and wider than bracts.