Slender annual ± 35 cm. tall, with several divaricate-ascending branches in the lower part of the stem.. Stem and branches wiry, strongly striate with pale angular ridges, quite smooth and glabrous.. Leaves filiform, 10–40 × 0.5 mm., glabrous, tipped with a sharp pale mucro.. Inflorescence white, spicate, 1–1.2 × 0.3–0.4 cm. (probably elongating in fruit), the axis densely white-lanate.. Bracts persistent and patent, lanceolate, ± 1.5 mm., membranous, distinctly acuminate-aristate with the sharp excurrent midrib, glabrous.. Bracteoles shorter and broader, deltoid-ovate, ± 1 mm., shortly mucronate.. Flowers solitary in the axils of the bracts.. Tepals oblong-ovate, ± 2.25 mm., all ± similar, with a broad firm faintly 3-nerved centre and rather narrow hyaline margins, shortly but rigidly mucronate at the apex.. Filaments very delicate, ± 1.5 mm., the pseudostaminodes ± 1 mm., oblong, fimbriate across the apex.. Ovary pyriform-ellipsoid, glabrous.. Style slender, ± 0.6 mm., symmetrically placed.. Capsule ovoid-ellipsoid, 1.5 mm.. Seed ovoid-ellipsoid, shining brown, feebly reticulate, 1.25 mm.