Herb, annual, 4–12 cm high. Leaves basal, regularly radiating; sheath with hyaline margins, 2–6 mm long, pilose; lamina straight, linear-subulate, 8–30 mm long, c. 0.4 mm wide, sparsely pilose with patent hairs. Cataphyll obtuse, 3–5 mm long. Scape terete, 3–11 cm long, glabrous or finely pilose. Heads terete, narrowly ovoid, c. 2 mm wide. Primary bracts separated by an internode 1–3 mm long, widely gaping at anthesis, similar; basal sheath narrowly cymbiform, 3–4 mm long, herbaceous, strigose, with a glabrous foliar point 0.5–1.2 mm long. Secondary bracts 2 per pseudanthium, c. 3 mm long, obtuse, erose-fimbriolate. Pseudanthia 10–25, all bisexual. Stamen free; anther 0.8–1.1 mm long. Carpels 6–9; styles connate at base or free; papillae simple, 0.03 mm long. Seed ovoid, c. 0.5 mm long.
Grows on margins of streams and wetlands, and moist sites in woodland or grassland, mainly on sandy alluvial soils.