Herb, annual, forming very dense rounded tufts 1–2.5 cm diam. Leaves cauline, regularly radiating; sheath 3–5 mm long and 1.2–1.7 mm wide; margins pilose; lamina curved backwards, 3–6 mm long. Cataphyll absent. Heads sessile or subsessile, cylindric, c. 2 mm diam., crowded in centre of the tuft. Primary bracts opposite, loosely sheathing; outer bract with a membranous sheath 3–5 mm long, sparsely pilose with ciliate margins, with a linear lamina up to c. 3 mm long; inner bracts similar, slightly smaller. Pseudanthia solitary, bisexual. Secondary bracts 2 (3) per pseudanthium, narrowly oblong, 2.0–2.9 mm long, truncate with erose-fimbriate (to almost entire) apices. Stamen free; anther 0.7–1.0 mm long. Carpels 6–10; styles free; papillae simple. Seed not seen.
Grows on top of sandstone escarpments, in skeletal sandy soil with lateritic gravel among sandstone blocks, in low open shrubland, among grasses in sandy seepage areas.