Flowers 5-to 7-merous. Hypanthium conic to hemispheric, pubescent or hirsute. Calyx calyptrate in bud, at anthesis breaking irregularly and soon decid-uous. Petals large, red or purple. Stamens isomorphic or weakly dimorphic; filaments flat, more or less twisted at base; anthers subulate to lanceolate; con-nective often elevated along the thecae, at base bearing a conspicuous dorsal spur. Ovary free, 3-to 7-celled, often crowned with gibbosities or projecting append-ages; style elongate; stigma truncate. Fruit a many-seeded capsule. Trees or shrubs with large leaves and large red or purple flowers usually disposed in terminal 3-flowered cymules in a large terminal panicle.