Slender herbs ca. 80 cm tall; stems minutely puberulous throughout, sparsely so below, the trichomes minute, curving, hyaline, less than 0.1 mm long. Principal leaves with blades narrowly lanceolate, (3-)5-10 cm long, mostly 1-2 cm wide, ca. 4-6 times as long as wide, apically tapering to the long-attenuate tip, basally rounded to somewhat cuneate, marginally shallowly serrate-dentate with (4-) 6-8 incurved, dark-tipped teeth per cm, sparsely to moderately minutely puberulous above, moderately to densely but inconspicuously so beneath, the trichomes hyaline, ca. 0.1 mm long; petioles puberulous, 0.8-1.5 cm long. Flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves, 3.4-3.8 cm long; pedicels slender, flexuous, ascend-ing to widely spreading, ebracteolate, puberulous, 3-4 cm long; hypanthium in anthesis campanulate, basally acute, 3.5-4.5 mm long, 2.5-3 mm in diameter, in-conspicuously but densely puberulous with curved trichomes ca. 0.1 mm long; calyx lobes erect, triangular, entire, 1.7-4 (-5) mm long, inconspicuously puberu-lous; corolla red, drying purplish, externally minutely but densely puberulent with purplish trichomes less than 0.1 mm long, internally glabrous, the tube 22-25 mm long, slightly curved, basally constricted to 1.5-2 mm in diameter, gradually en-larged for the upper two-thirds to 3.5-4.5 mm in diameter, the lobes narrowly linear with slender, almost caudate tips, the upper pair of lobes erect, 9.0-11.0 mm long, the lateral lobes 8-10 mm long, the lowermost lobe 9-14 mm long; fila-ment tube glabrous, 28-29 mm long, somewhat exserted, the anthers 4-5 mm long with the 2 lowest anthers bearing an apical tuft of stiff trichomes 0.5-1 mm long, otherwise glabrous. Berries globose, white, 6-8 mm in diameter; seeds ovoid-lenticular, minutely reticulate, ca. 0.5 mm long.