Dioecious trees to 25 m. tall. Branches rather stout, glabrous, with a longi-tudinally striate, scarcely lenticellate, yellow periderm. Leaves rather sparse, long-petiolate, the blade broadly elliptic to ovate-elliptic, Obtusely acuminate to acute, base obtuse or rounded, 8-25 cm. long, 2.5-1 5.0 cm. broad, glabrous, firmly membranaceous or subcoriaceous, yellowish green, venation prominent but rather distant; petiole 1-12 cm. long. Inflorescence 10-20 cm. long, long-pedunculate, many-flowered, minutely puberulent, the ultimate cymules typically dichasial with the terminal flower sessile and 1-bracteolate and the lateral definitely pedicellate and 3--bracteolate. Staminate perianth broadly campanulate, yellowish, about 4 mm. long and 3n mm. broad at the conspicuously inflated, slightly spreading limb, minutely puberulent-papillate. Anthocarps oblong-fusiform, crowned by the persistent perianth limb, about 1 cm. long and 3 mM. broad, glabrous.